Mar 10, 2009


Blue Hyacinths have been up couple of days and are at 100%, Anemones 10%.

Tete e' Tete Daffodils are 101%. Some of the flowers have stared to fade and I'm deadheading already.

Rock Garden

Blooming in the rock garden is: Viola 100%, Candy Tuft 100%, Turkestanica Tulip 100%, Pinks 10%, Daffodils 100%. Sprouting: Lupins Perennial 1", Baby Blue Eyes Nemophila 1", California Blue Bells 1/2".

King Alfred Daffodils

The King Alfred Daffodils are 50% out this week.

Early Magnolia

The early Magnolias have had a bad time of it this spring. Early warm spells punctuated by frosts have killed buds at least twice. The one in the back garden has no more than 10% of it's flowers left to bloom. This one on the north side of the house is blooming more slowly and has 80% of it's flowers yet to open. It's a gamble each year as to whether these trees will bloom or not.

Blue Stars

The Blue Star flowers began to peek out a week ago and are in full bloom now.