Jan 25, 2012

Larkspur in the veggie garden

 Larkspur did very well in the vegetable garden. It's mixed here with Turnips, which couldn't be a worse scenario because larkspur is poisonous. I think it does well here because the mulch is thinner. Also, Shelagh's sweet peas are up about 10". That's a volunteer Leek in the foreground.

Winter Honeysuckle

The Winter Honeysuckle started early and is blooming off and on with the weather. The season is extended but the plants are half new buds and half dead buds all the time. The Lantana has been pruned back, Ivory Hyacinth and Daffodils are just now coming in, in it's place.

Woodland area

Snow Bells beginning to bloom

Arum is a great performer. These are Italicum.

Single Spirea moved here last year.

Double Spirea, started blooming very early. It's been bitten by frost and bloomed again.

Rose of Sharon Border

This area under the Rose of Sharons, is not yet blooming in Jan.


Daphne bloomed great this winter, It's first year. It get's afternoon shade in this location and is well drained.

Myrtle is blooming early

Myrtle is blooming early.


The Mahonia is blooming. Smells like honey.


Black Shamrock

The Shamrocks are growing well in this wet spring, but wont bloom until March. The Black Shamrock has performed very well but looks very ratty this time of year.


The hellebores are in their prime.

Candy Tuft and Blue Bed

The blue stars in the lawn aren't up yet
I'm continuously rooting new stems of the dusty miller, but constantly get a very scraggly row.
Candytuft and Dusty Miller

The Candy Tuft is up early, It's surviving, but not multiplying as much as I'd like. Is it the summer heat?

King Alfred Daffodil

King Alfred is a common Daffodil. These came from Loews. They're large, early, and a poor performer. They rarely bloom after the first year. These are 2nd year and are blooming at about 10%. St. Keverne is a much better choice.

Camellia buds in Jan

The Camellia buds are small and about half are dead from frost.

Spanish Bluebell Foliage

The Spanish Bluebells are showing foliage in January.

Nandina hides Snowflakes

This Nandia hides some of the Snowflakes later on. Trim it up from the bottom.

Carolina Jasmine

Carolina jasmine is evergreen here. We have lots of buds during this warm winter. 10% early bloom in Jan.